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Rudolf von Arthaber and his children Rudolf, Emilie and Gustav, 1837. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Amalie Klein, 1834. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Unknown Man, 1830. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Emperor Franz I of Austria, 1832. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The Painter Friedrich Gauermann, 1839. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Henriette Baroness Pereira-Arnstein with her daughter Flora, 1833. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Flemish Mayor (Baron Pfuel?), 1836. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Theresia Amerling, Mother of the Artist, 1836. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The Painter Robert Theer, 1831. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Count Breda (?), 1833. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria, 1839. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The Painter Josef Kriehuber, 1853. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Archduke Leopold as a crusader, 1863. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Self-portrait, 1875. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Lift, c1835. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
A fishing boy, 1830. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The painter Thomas Ender, 183. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Marie Freiin Vesque von Püttlingen, 1832. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The family of Johann Graf von Majláth, 1832. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Painting design "Emperor Franz I of Austria in Prussian general's uniform", 1834. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Baron Alexander Vesque von Püttlingen as a child, 1836. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The painter Theodor Alconière, 1836. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The sculptor Pompeo Marchesi, 1836. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Self-portrait with a blue necktie, 1839. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The industrialist Johann Nepomuk Reithoffer, 1844. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The industrialist Maximilian Todesco, 1846. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Luise Pfeiffer Nathusius, 1846. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The painter Karl von Pausinger, 1846. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The painter Johann Nepomuk Schödlberger, 1852. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
The landscape painter Ignaz Raffalt as Falstaff, 1853. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Self-portrait, 1856. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Rosalia Hermann, 1872. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Friedrich Maria Josef Amerling, son of the artist, 1842. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.
Self-portrait, 1846. Creator: Friedrich von Amerling.